Our Story

The B.C. Centre for Vulvar Health offers comprehensive care from a team of health care experts.

What we Do

There are many different disorders that can affect the vulva including: infections, skin conditions, systemic medical disorders, autoimmune conditions, lymphatic conditions, benign cysts and tumors, pre-cancerous and cancerous conditions, and nerve conditions.

The BC Centre for Vulvar Health (BCCVH) offers comprehensive care for individuals with complex and chronic vulvar issues. Conditions that affect vulvar health can also affect other aspects of health – including physical, emotional, sexual, and social. We believe that treatment from a multidisciplinary perspective is critical to improving the lives of affected individuals. Not only do we offer clinical care including medical and surgical treatments, we also offer educational interventions, pelvic floor physiotherapy, psychological and sexual therapy.

The clinicians in the Centre are actively engaged in research and teaching. Our research is patient-centered and focused on measuring the impact of vulvar disorders on quality of life and the effectiveness of treatments for these conditions. The Centre is committed to providing educational opportunities for patients, their partners and other health care providers to increase their knowledge about vulvar disorders, and their skills in supporting patients on their path to recovery.

Our Mission

The BC Centre for Vulvar Health improves the quality of life for people living with vulvar disorders through patient centered care, education and research.

The Centre fosters a culture of openness, awareness, and exploration of approaches that have been shown to be effective in supporting individuals with vulvar disorders.

The ultimate goal is for people to feel empowered to make individualized and effective treatment choices within a respectful and compassionate environment.

Our Vision

Improving awareness of, and access to, evidence-based care for those individuals affected by vulvar disorders. This involves educating healthcare providers to take a holistic approach that recognizes that it’s not just about treating the specific vulvar condition; it’s about addressing the impact of that condition on overall quality of life.